Website development && Web applications && UI/UX Design && ++CoffeeI give life to projects that generate impact.

See your brand navigating the right path with a performance website, made exclusively for your business and designed for the best experience for your customers.

About me

Who am I?

Daniel Mafra's photo

Hi, I'm Goku Daniel Mafra 👋

Front-end developer, passionate about technology since I was 12 years old and dedicated to developing interfaces always thinking about the user experience.

Some of the technologies I know

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript ES6+
  • Typescript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • NodeJS
  • Git / Github
Why choose me to do your project?

My specialties

UI & UX Design - Modern, clean design and thought of the user experience for good navigation.

UI & UX Design

Modern, clean design and thought of the user experience for good navigation.

Javascript - Development of websites and web applications by hand, without plugins and ready-made templates.


Development of websites and web applications by hand, without plugins and ready-made templates.

Business Analysis - From a detailed analysis of your market and competitors, I define the best route for your project to navigate the web.

Business Analysis

From a detailed analysis of your market and competitors, I define the best route for your project to navigate the web.

Performance Optimization - All aboard! Optimizations to get the best loading performance and not let your visitors wait longer than 1s.

Performance Optimization

All aboard! Optimizations to get the best loading performance and not let your visitors wait longer than 1s.

All ready, sailor?

3 steps to set sail

Let's go together! Closely follow each of the stages of development of your project and have the autonomy to change whatever is necessary!


Briefing & Wireframe

Lift anchor! We will write down all your ideas and create the first prototype of your project.



Hoist sails! Everything ok with the previous step? Now let's color the prototype, typography and visual effects.


Code & Deploy

Let's sail! We'll turn the prototype into code and finally your website or application will be live, ready for your clients to get on board.

Let's get your project off the paper?!

It will be an honor to have you in my portfolio!


  • What types of projects do you develop?
  • Are websites built with WordPress and Elementor?
  • How do you guarantee the performance of a website?
  • How long does it take for a website to be ready?
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